If you receive a continuous flow alert from your water Wholesaler or Retailer and your business can’t explain the consumption, your...
If your Wholesaler or Retailer has informed you of continuous flow, it means your business is using water all day, every day. Some...
Your business, Wholesaler and Retailer will receive detailed water usage data at intervals as regular as 15 minutes, so you’ll be able to...
Continuous flow is when water is recorded as flowing through the meter constantly. This data feeds back to your Wholesaler and your Retailer...
We're aware of people or companies targeting businesses and pretending to be associated with us. For example pretending your contract is up...
If you're trying to access your online account but have had more than five failed login attempts, your account will be blocked as a security...
If your business premise doesn’t have a water meter, the property is unmetered. This means that your water bill isn’t based on how much...
If you can’t find the help you need in our advice and guidance section, there’s lots of ways you can get in touch with us. Whether you...
Your water meter will be read twice a year by a specialist meter reader, so it’s best to be as prepared as possible so they can access it...
In April 2017, the water market in England opened. This meant that the Water Industry Act required business customers to be treated...
Wave’s digital days are focussed on digital communication channels. This means our customer experience team will use their time to work...
We know that water can be complicated so we’ll try not to use acronyms, but from time-to-time you might hear the term SPID which is your...
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