A more sustainable tomorrow

We believe in doing good. In fact, we promise to. 

Our social and sustainability promise

We’re here to make a difference. It’s that simple. And to help us on our journey, we’ve made a social and sustainability promise. We’ve picked four areas that are really important to us, where we know we can help make an impact and we’ll work together with our people, our suppliers our customers and their communities to achieve our goals and fulfil our promises. 


The planet 

We promise to always act with the environment in mind. 



We promise to champion wellbeing, self-belief and development.



We promise to act fairly, responsibly and with integrity.


Customers and communities

We promise to inspire and influence sustainable change.

Striving for net zero by 2030

We love our planet. It’s our home. It’s our source of food and water. But changes to our climate are impacting our resources. That’s why our promise to our planet is dedicated to making sustainable changes and achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2030, ahead of the UK government’s 2050 goal.

If you’re interested to know what our plans are to achieve the 2030 target, we’ve outlined a road map across scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions in our Carbon Reduction Plan.


A more sustainable tomorrow

Working in the water industry, we see every day just how important it is for businesses and communities to save water and use what we do have more efficiently. At Wave, we’re committed to a more sustainable tomorrow, so we’ve set ourselves some pretty big goals. We know we can’t do all of them by ourselves but by working together, we’re sure we can take action and make real change.

Our latest report

We’ve been measuring and recording all the good we’ve been doing as a business. So if you're wondering how we've supported our customers and employees, championed water saving or contributed to local communities, take a look at our latest annual Social and Sustainability Report.

Wave team at the Wave woodland

Our goals


We hope to have saved our customers over 9.4 billion litres of water


Reduced our customer's CO2 emissions by 4 million kg CO2e 


We will have achieved zero waste to landfill

Your journey to decarbonisation

To achieve the UK government’s net zero targets by 2050, each and every business needs to play their part to reduce their emissions. But many large and industrial customers will actually need more water to deliver their projects and achieve their goals.

See how we can help

Sustainable partnerships

We're committed to building responsible and sustainable partnerships, find out how we've been working with our fulfilment house to help drive our Scope 3 emissions down.

Read our case study