Make a pledge, make a difference

With the growing population, climate change and 3 billion litres of water being lost every day through leaks, it’s predicted that we’ll face the threat of shortages in the next 20 to 30 years. We believe there’s not a drop to waste, so we’re kicking off our Make a Pledge campaign this World Water Day.

As businesses use around a third of all water supplied in the UK, it’s important that you and your employees think about what you can do to help save water – you could win an Automatic Meter Reader too!

Make a pledge

To help save water and protect the environment, we need businesses like yours to take action. Here’s just some of the ways you could make small changes, that won’t affect day-to-day processes, but will make a big difference:


    Save water - We pledge to check our water fittings such as taps and showers to see if they could be more efficient.


    Check for leaks - We pledge to check our premises for leaks by doing a leak and flow test.


    Protect our sewers - We pledge not to put food waste, oils, medicines or chemicals down the toilet or drains.


    Protect nature - We pledge to take part in one of Wave’s social value days which involve clean ups, tree planting and protecting local habitats.


    Look at the data - We pledge to submit monthly meter readings so that we’ll notice any unusual spikes in consumption that could be a leak.


Spread the word

Once you’ve made your pledge, you’ll be able to download a certificate to display at your sites and assets to share on social media to help raise awareness.

Win an Automatic Meter Reader

By making a pledge, you’ll be entered into a prize draw where you could win an Automatic Meter Reader (T&Cs apply).

An Automatic Meter Reader (AMR) is a device that fits to your water meter and reads your meter for you, helping you keep track of your water usage and get more accurate bills.

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