When you’ve previously paid your bills by making a card payment, your bank statement will have shown that the payment was made to NWG...
1. What happens if I disagree with the amount shown on my bill? Contact us as soon as you can, and no later than 7 days prior to the payment...
Understanding your bill As the first bill you receive is likely to cross two financial years, you’ll see two different rates for your water...
Fats, oils and greases (FOG) can be found in the wastewater of commercial kitchens and can cause problems if they end up in our sewers...
Charges billed to you depend on the tariff and services the Wholesaler has given to a particular Supply Point Identifier (SPID), and can...
If you think the meter read we have for you is incorrect, please email [email protected] and include a photograph of the...
If you think you have a leak, we’ve got a simple Leak and Flow Test that you can do yourself to help identify if the leak is on the external...
If you'd like to request a refund from us, please get in touch. We’ll need to verify some details from you, including: The date of your last...
We’ve got lots of different ways you can pay your bill, including making an online payment. You can do this by signing into your online...
A freeze/thaw event usually happens if we experience prolonged cold weather followed by a sudden increase in temperature. If your pipes are...
If your business premises no longer requires water and/or sewerage services, you can request a temporary or permanent disconnection by...
Yes, if your Trade Effluent discharge is expected to be less than six months, you can apply for a temporary Trade Effluent Consent. You must...
Learn more about our range of services designed to drive efficiency and reduce costs for your business.
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