One of our core values here at Wave is to embrace learning. We encourage our staff to be curious about everything and always ask questions...
Six years ago, on 28th September 2015, our Director of SME Customers, Lissa Balmer, took her first step into the water industry. Fast...
Zero Waste Week comes around every year and is a chance to do our bit to reduce waste and get as close as possible to that zero figure...
With many of us still working from home, spending more hours in our own houses, chances are our water usage has shot up. Saving water at...
National Marine Week is an annual awareness week run by The Wildlife Trust. It’s a celebration of the seas around Britain and a chance to...
From 17th to 23rd July UK Net Zero Week is an opportunity to raise awareness and take steps towards a net zero future. It’s a chance to see...
Plastic Free July is an international awareness month and powerful movement which inspires millions around the world to minimise their use...
Nutrition and Hydration Week (14 -20 June 2021) is a chance to promote and celebrate improvements in nutrition and hydration locally...
At the heart of our company’s ethos is our commitment to being as water wise as possible and encouraging this attitude in our employees...
The world’s oceans are a precious resource, but they’re not everlasting, especially if we continue to mistreat them in the way we do. The...
18 March is Global Recycling Day, and since its launch in 2018 the campaign has been committed to raising awareness and celebrating the...
Working with Wave is something more than 300,000 businesses already do and the benefits of having us as your water retailer quickly become...
Learn more about our range of services designed to drive efficiency and reduce costs for your business.
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