Institute saves £50,370 with AMR alerts

We’ve provided water retail services to our customer through the public sector The Energy Consortium’s (TEC) Framework since April 2022. The customer is one of the world’s most influential institutes, and the nature of their day-to-day operations means they need a water retailer they can trust.

The many benefits of AMRs

We installed two Automatic Meter Readers (AMR) for the customer, which provide regular consumption data and upload meter reads directly into Wave’s billing system. This not only means more accurate bills but it helps customers monitor their site’s water usage, understand how they’re using water and minimise water waste, saving money and making them more sustainable in the process.

Minimising water waste with alerts

Once the AMR was installed, we also set up alerts for the customer, meaning they’d be notified if the site exceeded the average daily consumption threshold. This meant they could investigate any unexpected usage and identify if water was being wasted unnecessarily. In early August, the AMR alarm was triggered and an alert was sent directly to the customer, informing them that the daily threshold had been exceeded and there may be an issue at the site that needs investigating.

Early intervention leads to substantial savings

After receiving the alert, the institute reacted quickly and carried out an investigation immediately. They were able to find the issue and fix it which reduced their consumption levels to normal. Their swift response following the AMR alert meant minimal water was wasted and the institute saved 21,900m3 of water, a cost saving of £50,370 per year. This substantial saving proved the value of their investment within the first 18 months of having the AMR installed.

If you think your business or organisation would benefit from our data collection or water efficiency services, you can find out more on our website or read about how else we support our Public Sector customers. 

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