Making the most of Wave: How to get the best from your business water services

As a Wave customer, we want to make sure you’re not only getting the right rates and packages for your business water needs, but that you’re getting the most from our water services, in particular our online customer portal, My Account. Below we’re looking at all the features you may or may not already be using and how useful the service can be for making managing your business water and wastewater easy.

Whether you're an SME, large business or Public Sector organisation, My Account is available to all our customers and is designed to be as easy to use as possible. You can access your account on any device, 24 hours day, meaning you can check in whenever is convenient for you.

First, you’ll need to sign up, but this is a quick and easy process and requires a few details including your customer reference number from your bill. Once setup, you can use your online service for a wide range of business water needs, as we want everything to be as convenient and stress free as possible. The features of your online account include:

Individual account management

You can manage your water services across individual business premises as well as multi-site businesses. When you log in, you’ll see all of your accounts with us represented in different colours so that you can easily see if you’re in credit or debit.

You can easily search your accounts too using the account name, customer reference, address, meter serial number (MSN) or Supply Point Identifier (SPID), saving you time and effort.

Submitting meter reads

Providing regular and accurate water meter readings is key to making sure you don’t pay too much for your business water. Our system uses your meter reads to estimate charges from one billing period to the next. By sending us your actual meter readings frequently, we can more accurately reflect the water you’re actually using. They also help us to spot any high consumption, so we can alert you if it looks like your water consumption has significantly increased, helping you to identify any issues such as leaks.

Find out how to read your water meter

View water consumption

You can check how much water you’re using at your business premises using your online account for each individual site. This feature is great if you’re looking to see the physical results of any water-saving measures you’ve put in place, as you should see a reduction in your water usage.

Make payments and view payment history

Quickly and easily make payments towards your water bill. You’ll be able to view your balance, and using secure encrypted payment software, make payments that are safe. My Account also holds a record of your previous payments, which you can share with your accounts department when necessary.

Set up Direct Debits

Direct debit is the most popular way to pay and allows you to automatically make payments for your water usage, and helps you avoid unexpected surprises at the end of the year.

In My Account, you can choose to pay your bills with fixed or variable Direct Debit. With fixed Direct Debit you can choose a monthly payment date that suits you. If you choose to pay by variable Direct Debit, the amount will be taken from your account 14 working days after your bill date. If you’re already paying by Direct Debit, My Account lets you change your payment amount if you’re paying too much or too little.

View and track your bills

All your bills are kept within My Account, meaning you can track spending and check how your water costs rank at different sites across your business. You can download a copy of your bill as a PDF at any time, making tracking your spending clear and straightforward.

Update your customer account

There’s never a need to phone us with account changes (unless you prefer to) as you can simply sign in and update any business information, like your telephone number, email address or a forwarding address for any bills, as necessary.

Check meter supply locations

My Account can record the water meter supply locations across all of your business premises. With this feature you‘ll always know where water meters are when it’s time to take meter readings.

Raise a query

Got a question? Whether it’s about your bill, water meter or your water usage, the best way to raise a query is in My Account and one of our team will get back to you by email as quickly as possible.

Need more support?

See our full My Account how-to video suite for more information on how to navigate and get the most out of My Account.

Watch our how-to videos

Save water and money

My Account isn’t the only great service we offer. If you’re looking to make your business more efficient, by driving down your water usage and reducing waste, we can help.

Our Water Efficiency Services are designed to help spot any issues that might be causing high consumption in your business premises. Not only will resolving these issues help lower your business’ carbon footprint, but it can lower your costs too.

Speak to your Account Manager, complete our online form or email [email protected].

Love the online portal, it makes everything so much easier
