Supporting our schools

Proud partners of Engineering UK

Here at Wave we’re committed to supporting our schools, and school children, to see water for the precious resource that it is and to encourage them to take an active role in protecting the environment both now and in the future.

Although we specialise in providing water to businesses and non-domestic customers, we recognise that our children are the business leaders of the future and we want to nurture a belief and understanding that when it comes to water, there really is Not a Drop to Waste.

Building a better future

Wave is committed to supporting the next generation, because we know it’s vital that they have the tools they need to achieve their goals and make an impact. We’re focused on enhancing belief and potential through our careers advice, and using our expertise to provide water-saving resources that encourage pupils to get involved both at school and at home. Our resources are designed to support teachers, pupils and families.

If you’re interested in learning more about our social and sustainability commitments, take a look at our Social & Sustainability Promise.

Health & Safety Manager visits school

Support we offer


Careers advice

Our video resources for career lessons showcase a diverse range of roles within Wave. They're designed to highlight the importance of the Skills Builder skills and inspire pupils to pursue a career they’re passionate about.


Eco challenges

Our eco challenge worksheet encourages children to save water and think about their effect on the environment. It includes activities that can be done both in the classroom and at home.


Interview tips

We’ve provided face-to-face advice in schools that focuses on best practice for job interviews, so pupils can learn valuable skills that can be used once they leave school.

Primary school resources

We've designed a number of video resources to use within primary schools as part of career lessons. On the first video, five of our people break down their roles at Wave and the Skills Builder skills they need to do their job. The roles include HR, Marketing, Facilities and Water Efficiency.

We then provide four optional activities to complete afterwards which are introduced in the following videos:

Download sustainability superstar challenges sheet

We've also created our water cycle infographic for use in Key Stage 2 lessons, which breaks down the various stages of the water cycle. To view and download the image, click the button below.

Download water cycle infographic

How we've worked with schools

“The students had a brilliant day working alongside talented professionals from industry. Events like this are so important to the culture of our school and enabling students to see links to what they’re doing now and to the wider world of work. Wave's session was a real hit with the students.”

Marden High School

Further information and help

Hopefully you’ll find the above useful but if you've any further questions or need more help then please fill out the contact form opposite.

We've a dedicated team who help with enquiries from schools.