Trade effluent forms and guidance

Whether you’re a large multi-site business or a Small Medium Enterprise (SME), it’s really important that you understand if you need consent to discharge trade effluent.

To help make sure the environment, public health, sewer network and treatment works are protected, it’s a legal requirement that businesses have permission to dispose of trade effluent – it could lead to legal action and cause harm to the environment if you’re not doing this properly. To regulate trade effluent, businesses are provided with discharge consent.

What is trade effluent?

Trade effluent is any liquid waste that’s discharged into the sewers from a process or activity carried out by a business. This is different to your usual kitchen and bathroom waste (domestic sewage).

How do I get consent?

To apply for, or make changes to, a trade effluent discharge please click on the link below and complete the form. Please refer to section 2 for guidance.

Trade Effluent Customer Application form

What next?

Once you’ve completed your form, you’ll need to email it to [email protected] along with your site plan and any additional information such as sample analysis and material safety data sheets. Please use the subject line trade effluent application form.

We’ll review your application and send it to your wholesaler if approved. If there are any issues we’ll contact you within 5 working days.

For more information, you can read our handy guide on what trade effluent is.
