How we work with Wholesalers

In addition to customers, the water market has three main participants:

  1. The Market Operator (MOSL)
  2. Wholesalers
  3. Retailers

The market operator

MOSL, the market operator, is the organisation that sits at the centre of the non-household retail market to make sure it runs smoothly for customers, retailers and Wholesalers. They also operate CMOS (Central Market Operating System) through which large volumes of market data passes and Wholesale charges are calculated. These Wholesale charges form the basis of charges that we bill our customers.

Your Wholesaler

Wholesalers maintain the water networks, treat water and remove and treat waste water within distinct geographic, catchment-based regions so they’re the first call you should make if your site is ever without water or you have poor water quality. They’re also responsible for maintaining many of the data items in the market including meter asset data, meter location data and property address data.

Your water retailer

Retailers, like Wave, are the customer-facing businesses that read your water meter, calculate and send your bills and provide your customer service. As a business customer, you can choose your retailer to find the best offer and services for your business water.

Building strong relationships

Because many of the operational matters that could impact the service you receive are controlled by your Wholesaler (such as meter accuracy, water quality, interruptions to supply or trade effluent control) it’s vital that as a Retailer, we have strong relationships with the Wholesalers to make sure you and your business receive the very best service.

We’ve an established and experienced Wholesaler Management team that’s focussed on our relationships with Wholesalers nationwide. They monitor performance and hold Wholesalers to account when performance is below the expected standards. We also work collaboratively with Wholesalers to continually look for better ways of working to make sure the market drives improvements in the service you receive as a customer. 

We’ve worked tirelessly to make sure our systems and processes efficiently communicate your requests to your Wholesaler and allow any resulting communications to be made without delay.

Ultimately in this market, we're your champion, and we’ll work on your behalf to make sure your requests are handled efficiently and within the defined service levels that have been established in the market.
