FAQ: Why would I claim a Return to Sewer allowance?

It’s usually assumed that around 95% of the water that goes into a business will be returned to the sewerage network as waste water. However, in some businesses this percentage can be lower as the water may not return to the sewer due to:

  • Evaporation (cooling towers, heated swimming pools, laundrette)
  • Irrigation (garden centres, golf courses)
  • Added to a product (cement works, bakeries, food and drink manufacturers)
  • Removed off site (disposal off site, swimming costumes and towels)

If less than 95% of your water is returning to the sewer, you can apply for a non-return to sewer allowance.

You can find more information relating to each wholesaler in the Retail Wholesale Group’s guide.

How do I apply for a Return to Sewer allowance?

To apply for a return Return to Sewer allowance, you’ll need to complete MOSL’s Allowance and/or Volumetric Adjustment Customer Form. You’ll need to provide some details including:

  • The reason why the water is not returned to the sewer.
  • If you have a sub meter fitted, you’ll need to provide the meter serial number, location, size and any meter readings from the last 12 months.

If you’re eligible for the allowance, you’ll need to apply each year to make sure your circumstances and water usage hasn’t changed . We’d recommend taking a meter read of your sub meter and sending them to us monthly.

Once the form is complete, please email it to us at [email protected] or to your Account Manager.

I need help completing the form, who can I contact?

If you need any support completing the form, please contact your Account Manager or get in touch with our Customer Experience Team.
