FAQ: What are non primary charges and do I have to pay them?

What are non primary charges? 

These charges relate to works carried out by the wholesaler, usually at the request of the customer. They fall outside of standard water and wastewater services and include activities such as, the application of a trade effluent consent, verification of meter details or meter supply arrangements.

Do I have to pay these charges? 

Yes, if you have a non primary charge listed on your bill, it’s because some work has been carried out, usually at your request. The work these charges relate to will not always have been completed in the period since your last bill. We do need you to pay your bill, including these charges as soon as you can. 

How to pay your bill

Please make sure you have your 8 or 11 digit customer reference number at hand. 
Ways to pay:

  • Via your secure online account at wave-utilities.co.uk/account  
  • By BACS or CHAPS
    • For a single site, please include your customer reference number
    • For multiple sites, please include your company name with the payment and send remittance advice to bacs@wave-utilities.co.uk, quoting customer reference numbers for each of the accounts your payment is for and the amount to be allocated to each account. 
  • By phone - contact us on 0333 207 9283 and have your customer reference number available.  

If you have a named Account Manager, please contact them with any questions. 
Please make your payment in line with your usual payment terms.

More information

As these charges relate to work carried out by your wholesaler, you may be able to find more information on your wholesaler website: 
