Winter in the UK usually means plenty of cold weather and a mixture of wind, rain, ice and snow. These severe weather conditions, along with fluctuating temperatures, can lead to an increase in burst pipes and potential flooding, and the risk is higher if your business closes for periods during the winter months. But that's not all. Despite all this wet weather, the UK could be facing a water shortage in as little as 20-30 years.
That's why we're encouraging businesses to do a few simple checks to spot any issues early and winter-proof your premises to reduce the risk of burst pipes, broken boilers and wasted water.
Here’s some quick tips for protecting your business:
- Lag any outdoor pipes and taps
- Remove any leaves from drains and gutters to make sure there’s a clear path for any surface water to take
- Look out for weather warnings in your area and if possible, regularly check your pipes between periods of very cold weather and thaws
- Turn off your stopcock and drain your water system, if you know you’re going to be away for a long period of time
- Check when your boiler was last serviced (it’s advised to have it done once a year)
- If you can, consider leaving your heating running on low to help stop your pipes from freezing
- Minimise draughts from windows and doors
- Check your insurance is up to date and covers you for everything you need - without comprehensive cover in place, you could face a significant bill in the event of a leak
- Develop a contingency plan to make sure your business could still operate in the event of a water emergency
Finally, if you do have a water emergency, make sure you contact your Wholesaler and have a qualified plumber to hand.
Read your water meter
We know it’s not always possible, but if you know where your meter is and it’s safe to do so, taking and submitting regular meter readings throughout the year will help you to keep track of your water usage and spot any leaks more quickly, as they’re not always visible. We’ll also be able to keep your bill more accurate, as it’ll reflect your actual water usage.
You can submit a meter reading online or via your online account.
Checking for leaks
If you notice your meter readings are higher than usual, it's a good idea to do a leak and flow test as this'll help you identify if you do have a leak and if it's internal or external. If it looks like you've got an external underground leak, you might want to take a look at our Leakage Find and Fix service.
Not a drop to waste
By being prepared this winter, you'll not only help to protect your business, you'll help to protect our water resources - something we need all businesses to think about.